Rilasciato PrestaShop! E’ disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento di PrestaShop 1.6.1.x


Fixed bugs:

[-] CORE : (c243c8a) Fix ObjectModel error management on validation
[-] CORE : (508e1cd) Fix AdminTab PHP 7 compatibilty
[-] CORE : (355a4a7) Report of
[-] CORE : (0a07da9) fix #PSCSX-7007, notice in searchcron
[-] CORE : (13285fd) Fix PSCSX-6953, bad upload error check

[-] TESTS : (b826568) removed tests for prestafraud module

[-] BO : (c35d896) Fixed bug in HTMLTemplateInvoice prevents problems with invoice prefixs
[-] BO : (e71bdaa) fixed translation bug in prestashop addons modal
[-] BO : (48d9da7) Fixed upgrade index specific_price table

[-] FO : (0eecc7a) Fix #PSCSX-7021, bad specific base price for combinations
[-] FO : (40717fa) Fix #PSCSX-7021, bad impact price / currency
[-] FO : (0bd1bdc) Fix robots.txt rules for default language URLs
[-] FO : (ed08594) Fix quantity discount table wont appear again after swith on combination without quantity discount

Improved/changed features:

[*] PROJECT : (bcbec89) Improve PHP 7 compatibility

[*] BO : (ad3c187) #PSCSX-6251 on product order add unit product price without tax
[*] BO : (06502f9) Dont restrict orders listing to addresses join

[*] CORE : (94846bd) Fix #PSCSX-7015, Uploader setAcceptFiles case sensitive

[*] FO : (83c7ee1) #PSCSX-5582 update price from discount when changing quantity

Ovviamente assicuratevi di aver effettuato un backup del database ed eventualmente anche dell’intero sito web per non andare incontro a catastrofi! 🙂

Di seguito il changelog con tutti i fix e le novità di PrestaShop (ancora non disponibile)

Mentre il link da cui effettuare il download è il seguente