SimpleImage, PHP class per effettuare il resize o crop delle immagini, applicare filtri, watermark o testi.

Dal repository GitHub, ecco una risorsa molto utile per la gestione delle immagini da integrare nei nostri progetti.

Parliamo di SimpleImage, scaricabile da questo link. Richiede almeno PHP5.3 e le librerie GD installate sul server, ed ecco cosa può fare questa potente classe:

  • Resize images (free resize, resize to width, resize to height, resize to fit)
  • Crop images
  • Flip/rotate/adjust orientation
  • Adjust brightness & contrast
  • Desaturate, colorize, pixelate, blur, etc.
  • Overlay one image onto another (watermarking)
  • Add text using a font of your choice
  • Convert between GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats
  • Strip EXIF data

Lo sviluppatore ne ha ben documentato l’utilizzo, ma ecco qualche esempio rapido:

Convertire la nostra immagine da JPG a GIF

$img = new abeautifulsite\SimpleImage('image.jpg');

Ecco altri metodi usabili

// Flip the image horizontally (use 'y' to flip vertically)

// Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise

// Adjust the orientation if needed (physically rotates/flips the image based on its EXIF 'Orientation' property)

// Resize the image to 320x200
$img->resize(320, 200);

// Trim the image and resize to exactly 100x75
$img->thumbnail(100, 75);

// Shrink the image to the specified width while maintaining proportion (width)

// Shrink the image to the specified height while maintaining proportion (height)

// Shrink the image proportionally to fit inside a 500x500 box
$img->best_fit(500, 500);

// Crop a portion of the image from x1, y1 to x2, y2
$img->crop(100, 100, 400, 400);

// Fill image with white color

// Desaturate (grayscale)

// Invert

// Adjust Brightness (-255 to 255)

// Adjust Contrast (-100 to 100)

// Colorize red at 50% opacity
$img->colorize('#FF0000', .5);

// Edges filter

// Emboss filter

// Mean removal filter

// Selective blur (one pass)

// Gaussian blur (two passes)
$img->blur('gaussian', 2);

// Sketch filter

// Smooth filter (-10 to 10)

// Pixelate using 8px blocks

// Sepia effect (simulated)

// Change opacity

// Overlay watermark.png at 50% opacity at the bottom-right of the image with a 10 pixel horizontal and vertical margin
$img->overlay('watermark.png', 'bottom right', .5, -10, -10);

// Add 32-point white text top-centered (plus 20px) on the image*
$img->text('Your Text', 'font.ttf', 32, '#FFFFFF', 'top', 0, 20);